Friday May 10, 2024 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Engaging first responders training

Presented by Lakeview Health

Sgt. (Ret.) Christopher J. A. Scallon, MPsy, CCISM
Veteran’s Administration Client Services Representative at Lakeview Health

Internationally recognized trainer, first responder, veteran, and critical incident manager shares insights from his career and his own journey to recovery. Participants will get a glimpse into the culture that first responders and veterans are immersed in and the types of unique experiences that can shape their world views.

Participants will gain understanding of the correlation between untreated job-related trauma/ PTSD and substance use and misuse, seeing how the sometimes quick progression of coping mechanisms into full blown addiction can occur. Attendees will understand how to quickly identify and avoid triggers and language that could derail an intervention and/or treatment episode. Participants will learn culturally competent language and specific intervention strategies to better engage first responders and veterans, speak to objections, and ultimately build trust to facilitate healing experience from PTSD, addiction, and co-occurring mental health challenges that arise in this line of work.


At the conclusion of the session, participants will be able to:

  • list ways to identify potential substance use, misuse in first responders and ways to open a productive dialogue
  •     identify cultural barriers unique to first responders and veterans seeking help
  •     learn specific strategies to speak to objections to treatment
  •     understand the importance of a culturally competent environment conducive to healing for first responders and veterans


9:00  am – 11:00 am    “Connecting and Engaging First Responders: A Veteran/First Responder’s Journey to Recovery and Guide to Helping Others”

LOCATION: Register to receive link information for this online training.

COST: FREE – There is no charge for this complimentary training.

REGISTRATION: Sign-up via via zoom here



Sgt. (Ret.) Christopher J. A. Scallon, MPsy, CCISM
Veteran’s Administration Client Services Representative at Lakeview Health

Sergeant Chris Scallon retired as a 24+ year veteran with the Norfolk Police Department, holds a Masters in Psychology, BS in Criminal Justice, and certified in Critical Incident Stress Management from the University of Maryland BC Emergency Health Services.

Chris is the current Veteran’s Administration Client Services Representative for Lakeview Health. He is also the Founder of Survival Mindset Training and Consulting and Co-Founder of Trauma Behind the Badge.

He provides direct mental health and/or substance abuse services, in addition to connecting first responders, veterans, and their families to resources. Chris is the current Chair of Peer Response for the National Consortium for the Prevention of Law Enforcement Suicide; and consultant/responder for the Department of Justice Antiterrorism and Emergency Assistance Program (AEAP); providing services following Mass terror events.

Sgt. Scallon was the founder and first Director of the Norfolk Police Department’s Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) & Peer Support Unit, Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Co-Coordinator for the Norfolk Police Department. Sgt. Scallon is a peer and current board member of Virginia Law Enforcement Assistance Program (VALEAP), a certified peer with the West Coast Post Trauma Retreat/First Responder Support Network. He is also the Former Director of Public Safety Support for Chateau Recovery.

Having been involved in multiple shootings/Active Shooter-Mass Causality responses (Latest; Walmart Mass shooting and University of Virginia) Chris is intimately familiar with trauma and the consequences of exposure.

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