In Honor / In Memory

Gifts to Honor and Remember

How Do I Make a Donation In Memory or In Honor of Someone?

Gifts to Honor

Gifts in honor of someone special are a meaningful way to commemorate the importance of an individual or group

Honor gifts are a meaningful way to celebrate a birthday or significant anniversary of someone that has impacted your life and the lives of others.

When a gift in honor of someone is received, a letter of acknowledgement is sent to the person or persons, as requested by the donor.

Gifts in Memory

Losing a loved one is difficult. Gifts made in memory of a loved one are a perfect way to pay tribute to their special life.

Memorial gifts allow you the opportunity to perpetuate the memory of your loved one.

When gift in memorial of someone is received, a letter of acknowledgement is sent to the person or persons, as requested by the donor.

Gifts as a gift

Did you know you can donate to Dilworth Center in honor or memory of someone for a birthday, anniversary, holiday, or other significant event?

A donation to Dilworth Center is the perfect gift for any occasion.

Our personalized cards are an easy way to show someone that you care.

After you’ve made a donation, email to create one or more cards to send to your family and friends.  Dilworth Center will let them know about the special gift you gave in their name.

We can mail a card directly to your honoree; mail it to you to send yourself; or email a digital card to them for you.

We can also help you generate bulk cards for your large corporate or family gifts.

There are many ways to give to Dilworth Center

Christina Browning Scholarship Fund

Program Support

Annual Fund

In Honor / Memory

We Invite You to Join Dilworth Center’s Keystone Society

The keystone is a central stone at the summit of an arch, locking the whole together. That’s what our Keystone Heroes do – they deliver help and hope to those seeking recovery through a multi-year giving pledge.

Dilworth Center Keystone Society - Donations for recovery from drug addiction and alcoholism - logo
Dilworth Center Keystone Hero - Donations for recovery from drug addiction and alcoholism - Hero in a cape

Keystone Hero

Dilworth Center Keystone Partner - Donations for recovery from drug addiction and alcoholism - People helping others

Keystone Partner

Donation Legacy Contribution to Society for Treatment and Recovery

Keystone Legacy