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About Jake

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So far Jake has created 55 blog entries.

Our Doors Are Open To You


Our Doors Are Open... The Dilworth Center building is a hidden gem. It is a beautiful old house with an expansive front porch that takes many people by surprise the first time that they see it. Walking through the front door of Dilworth Center has been for many, a symbol of entering into [...]

Our Doors Are Open To You2022-04-12T09:53:07-04:00

An Unexpected Gift


An Unexpected Gift... Please work with my loved one and return them to me ‘fixed’ at the end of treatment”. This is a common thought for family members of our patients.  Sometimes this thought is spoken and at other times it is an unspoken assumption or wish. By the time a patient enters [...]

An Unexpected Gift2022-04-12T09:53:19-04:00