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About Jake

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So far Jake has created 55 blog entries.

Fun in Recovery


FUN IN RECOVERY … and loving life on life’s terms! If I’m sober, how can I go to a party? Watch the game? Handle those trick or treaters? How can I have FUN? This is a stressful issue for those of us in treatment for alcoholism or addiction. The holidays and family gatherings [...]

Fun in Recovery2022-04-12T09:54:12-04:00

National Recovery Month


Dilworth Center Participates in National Recovery Month (NRM) Each September! At Dilworth Center, we understand recovery and healing go hand in hand. Fortunately, we live in a community that supports strong recovery. For the past five years, Dilworth Center has held its ‘Key to Recovery’ Scholarship Fundraiser in September to celebrate NRM and [...]

National Recovery Month2022-04-28T09:56:08-04:00