Dilworth Center Awarded Two Grants

The Mecklenburg County ABC Board partners with nonprofits doing innovative and meaningful work in the community around substance use disorder (SUD) education, prevention, treatment or research. Dilworth Center is proud to be a recent recipient of  two renewal grants from the ABC Board that benefit our Outcomes Measurement and Enhanced Family Programs.

Our cutting-edge Outcomes Measurement Program (OMP) received a renewal grant from the ABC Board as it gains momentum, yielding valuable data and insight to strengthen Dilworth Center’s treatment program. This OMP is first in the nation to adapt new research methodology to outpatient treatment. Dilworth Center, in partnership with the National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers (NAATP), implemented the Outcomes Measurement pilot program in 2019 with great success. Long term response rates (6 months and one year) are over 70% – the highest in the facility’s history. Charles Odell, CEO of Dilworth Center, is on the NAATP Board of Directors and a member of NAATP’s Foundation for Recovery Science and Education (FoRSE). Quality measurement in the field of addiction treatment has historically been underdeveloped. Dilworth Center’s collaboration with FoRSE is helping to launch a nationwide, standardized research protocol and database for addiction treatment study. The recent ABC Board grant helps fund this program through the summer of 2022.

Dilworth Center’s Family Program also received a renewal grant from the ABC Board, allowing us to continue exceptional, enhanced family therapy, which strengthens the value of treatment for our patients. Addiction is a family disease, and navigating close relationships in early recovery is critical to achieving a healthy outcome for all. Dilworth Center’s Family Program focuses on support for spouses, parents, and siblings and is open to any close family member. Virtual therapy is also offered, making participation possible for family not living in our region.

“We are thrilled to partner, once again, with the ABC Board whose community outreach goals go hand in hand with ours,” stated Odell. “ABC Board funding supports Dilworth Center’s innovative work in the field of SUD treatment and enhances our commitment to the health and wellness of our community and its citizens. Their support is greatly appreciated.”

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