With over 30 years of providing treatment in the Charlotte and surrounding areas, Dilworth Center has built a robust alumni program (Dilworth Center Key Club) offering meetings, outings, and special programming. This year our Key Club is excited to take our alumni outdoors with Shawn Gentry.
Shawn is a professional outdoor educator specializing in mountain bike skills instruction. With over 30 years of experience in the outdoors, Shawn founded CLTMTB, which is focused on teaching mountain-biking to all ages and experience levels. As a long time Dilworth Center Alumni, Shawn is a member of our Alumni Key Club and is passionate about introducing those in recovery to a healthy, active, outdoor lifestyle.
Join us Sunday, February 26th as Shawn leads our alumni on a hike up Crowder’s mountain. For more information on how to join the hike, go to Dilworthcenter.org and look under the news and events section.
We have the next date planned for Sunday, March 26th.