How can I help in the fight against addiction, over time?
For more than 30 years, Dilworth Center has been a KEY resource for recovery in Charlotte and the surrounding North and South Carolina regions. We are a nonprofit organization providing outpatient treatment services for individuals and families affected by alcoholism and drug addiction. Our outpatient treatment programs have helped thousands UNLOCK the door to a promising new life.
You can make an impact, over time, by becoming a Keystone Hero!
Keystone Heroes support Dilworth Center’s life-changing work with a five year pledge of $1,000 or more. These multi-year gifts can be earmarked for operational expenses, programming support, or scholarships. Becoming a Keystone Hero opens the door to membership in Dilworth Center’s Keystone Society, and organization recognizing individuals, businesses, and foundations who demonstrate philanthropic leadership.
We welcome your support at any of the following Keystone Hero levels:
Diamond – $25,000/year for 5 years totaling $125,000
Platinum – $10,000/year for 5 years totaling $50,000
Gold – $5,000/year for 5 years totaling $25,000
Silver – $2,500/year for 5 years totaling $12,500
Bronze – $1,000/year for 5 years totaling $5,000
Please Reach Out to Us to Discuss Further