Become a Keystone Partner

Looking for ways to make a difference? Let us guide you to the answer…

Have you ever asked yourself…

How can I continue to support the fight against addiction and substance use?

For over 34 years, Dilworth Center has been a vital resource for rehab and recovery in Charlotte, as well as across the surrounding regions of North and South Carolina. As a nonprofit organization, we provide outpatient treatment services for individuals and families affected by alcoholism, drug addiction, and mental health challenges. Our rehab programs have helped thousands start on the path to a promising new life of sobriety and mental wellness.

Become a Keystone Partner and create lasting impact!

Keystone Partners are crucial to supporting Dilworth Center’s life-changing work with contributions of $1,000 or more. These gifts can be allocated for operational expenses, programming support, or scholarships that make recovery accessible to more people. By becoming a Keystone Hero, you gain access to Dilworth Center’s Keystone Society, a community that recognizes individuals, businesses, and foundations demonstrating true leadership in the battle against substance use and mental health disorders.

We welcome your support at any of the following Keystone Partner levels:

Diamond – $25,000
Platinum – $10,000
Gold – $5,000
Silver – $2,500
Bronze – $1,000

Please Reach Out to Us to Discuss Further

Call us

(704) 372-6969

US mail

Dilworth Center
C/o Cynthia Sims
2240 Park Road
Charlotte, NC 28203

We Invite You to Join Dilworth Center’s Keystone Society

The keystone is a central stone at the summit of an arch, locking the whole together. That’s what our Keystone Heroes do – they deliver help and hope to those seeking recovery through a multi-year giving pledge.

Dilworth Center Keystone Society - Donations for recovery from drug addiction and alcoholism - logo
Dilworth Center Keystone Hero - Donations for recovery from drug addiction and alcoholism - Hero in a cape

Keystone Hero

Dilworth Center Keystone Partner - Donations for recovery from drug addiction and alcoholism - People helping others

Keystone Partner

Donation Legacy Contribution to Society for Treatment and Recovery

Keystone Legacy