National Association of
Addiction Treatment Providers (NAATP)

Dilworth Center is a proud member of NAATP

National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers (NAATP)

Dilworth Center is a proud member of NAATP

NAATP’s leadership is essential. The addiction treatment industry faces complex issues, such as insurance utilization, parity enforcement, changing treatment therapies, and ethics and professionalism violations. Addiction Treatment Providers cannot operate effectively in isolation, and the addiction service provider field will not thrive separately and in a divided manner. Professions evolve and succeed when their members communicate, collaborate, develop standards, and advocate together through a professional society. NAATP fills this role.

Who is NAATP?

NAATP is a nonprofit professional society that represents hundreds of not-for-profit and for-profit addiction treatment providers who offer critical services along the full continuum of care, from intervention, transportation, private therapy, outpatient care, hospitalization, residential treatment, and continuing/aftercare.

Mission & Values

NAATP is dedicated to upholding a strong Mission and set of Values and is committed to delivering essential leadership and guidance to our membership.


The National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers (NAATP) was formed in 1978 by industry leaders and organizations at the forefront of addiction service since the 1940s. NAATP’s development has paralleled the evolution of the addiction treatment profession.


The National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers is run by a small but mighty team of staff members based in Denver, Colorado, and across several other locations in the US.

Board of Directors

The NAATP Board of Directors serves as the Association’s governing body, providing oversight and vision. Board members serve without compensation as Association volunteers. They further support the organization by assuming their NAATP-related expenses and supporting NAATP activities as sponsors.

Dilworth Center’s team members are supporters, members involved with the data center, and on the Board of Directors for NAATP

Charles Odell, CEO and President of an outpatient rehab center in Charlotte, NC, smiling in a blazer.

Dilworth Center’s CEO and President, Charles Odell, is a member of NAATP’s Board of Directors and is also involved in its ethics subcommittee.

The FoRSE Data Site logo from NAATP, a member of NAATP Dilworth Center in Charlotte, NC, showcases commitment to data-driven addiction outpatient rehab outcomes.

Dilworth Center is a Data Site for the FoRSE initiative, providing valuable outcomes data to the Treatment Center industry.

Learn More about NAATP and FoRSE